+91 9447461622 iaatsecy@gmail.com


imgIndian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT) was established in the year 1990 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Head Quarters of IAAT is located at Department of Botany, Calicut University, Calicut, Kerala, India.


The main objectives of Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy (IAAT) is to

  1. Cultivate and promote the science of Angiosperm taxonomy in all its aspects;
  2. Provide a common forum for Angiosperm taxonomists in India for purposeful exchange of ideas;
  3. Organize meetings and hold discussions periodically on scientific and academic matters;
  4. Encourage collaborative work among Indian taxonomists;
  5. Provide a link between Indian Angiosperm taxonomists and their counterparts abroad;
  6. Secure and manage funds and endowments for the promotion of the science of Angiosperm taxonomy;
  7. Publish journals; proceedings, transactions and such other works as may be considered desirable;
  8. Do and perform all other acts, matters and things that may assist in the fulfillment of the above-mentioned objectives of the Association
  9. The benefit of the Association shall be open to all irrespective of the Caste, Religion, Sex etc.
  10. Take up charitable activities like Scholarship / Fellowship to poor Students / Research Scholars.


The Headquarters of the Association shall ordinarily be situated at the Department of Botany, University of Calicut, or at a place decided by the Executive Council later. The Objects / activities of the Association shall be carried out in India. 


Membership of the Association shall be open to all those who are interested in Angiosperm Taxonomy. There shall be the following four categories of Memberships:-

  1. Patron
  2. Honorary Member*
  3. Life Member
  4. Ordinary Member
  5. Student

*(Honorary Members shall be eminent Angiosperm Taxonomists whose technical co-operation would promote the interests of the Association, and nominated by the Executive Council,  provided total number of such Honorary Members shall not exceed FIVE at any given time).

The subscriptions for the various categories of memberships are as under:

  1. Patron: Rs. 25,000/- in India or US $ 7000/- or equivalent for other
  2. Honorary Member: No subscription.
  3. Life Member: Rs. 8,000/- in India or US $ 500/- or equivalent for other countries, to be paid within one calendar
  4. Ordinary Member: Rs.1,000/- in India or US $ 50/- or equivalent in other countries per year. Subscription for Ordinary membership shall fall due on 1st January of that year.
  5. Student member: Rs. 500/-

An admission Fee of Rs. 25/- shall be charged for new members in India. Members from other countries shall not pay any admission fee. The Ordinary Membership may be converted into Life Membership by paying the Life Membership fee after deducting the Ordinary Membership fee paid during that calendar year, if any. The Members who have not paid their subscription before 1st July will not be entitled for their privileges during that year.

Privileges of members

Members of the Association who have paid their subscriptions before the stipulated date, shall be  entitled to the followings:

  1. to attend and  vote  in all General Body meetings (Student Members are not eligible to cast vote);
  2. to propose and second candidates for various offices in the Executive Council;
  3. to propose and second motions;
  4. to fill in any Office of the Association on being duly elected thereto, subject to Rule 18 and 19 (applicable to all other than the Student Members).
  5. to have scientific papers published in the journal Rheedea, after due approval by the referees and the Editorial Board;
  6. to read scientific papers in the ordinary meetings of the Association and to take part in the discussions on them;
  7. to have access to the Library and other common facilities of the Association;
  8. to institute medals in the name of IAAT from Endowments received. The amount for such endowments shall be decided from time to time by the Executive Council. Nominations for the medal awards shall be received from the members of the Executive Council and the awardee(s) shall be decided by the Executive Council. Life members of the IAAT alone shall be eligible for such medals.
  9. Patrons and Honorary Members shall be entitled to have all the privileges of the life members.

General Body

The General Body, which shall be responsible for regulating the affairs of the Association shall comprise of all categories of members. The General Body will meet at least once a year.

Emergency meeting of the General Body may be convened at any time, on a written request from at least 1/3rd of the total members of the Association, at 25 days’ notice. For ordinary General Body meetings 10 members shall form a quorum.

The Executive Council and its Officers

The administration, direction and management of the Association shall be entrusted to an Executive Council composed of the following members of the Association: A President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, two Secretaries, twelve Councillors and two ex-officio Members. The membership in the Executive Council shall be confined to Fellows of the Association only.

The composition of the Executive Council of the Association will be as follows:-

  1. President (1)
  2. Vice Presidents (2) (If the President is from the Headquarters, both the Vice-Presidents shall be from out-station, and if the President is not from the HQ, one Vice-President shall be from the HQ)
  3. Treasurer (From Headquarters-1)
  4. Secretaries (2) (One from Headquarters and the other from outstation)
  5. Councilors (12)
  6. The outgoing President (ex-officio-1)
  7. The outgoing Secretary-Headquarters (ex-officio-1)

Four members shall constitute quorum for a meeting of the Executive Council.

 The Members of the Executive Council, excepting the President, will hold office for a period of three years and will be eligible for re-election after a gap of one term. The President will hold office for a period of one year and shall be eligible for re-nomination for one more consecutive term. The President shall be nominated from among the Life Members of the IAAT by the Executive Council every year and it shall be reported to the General Body prior to the tenure of the President-elect.

Election to the Executive Council

All members other than the student members of the General Body will form the electorate. The election to the Executive Council will be held by postal ballot for which the nomination proforma and ballot papers will be issued by the Secretary from the HQ. One member can propose only one name for one office, and should be seconded by another member. In the nomination form of election to the Ex-Council consent from the nominees obtained should be included. And they should contest for one position / post. No member, whose dues are in arrears up to 30th June shall be entitled to vote or nominate or stand for election to any office. To safeguard the interest of the Association and fulfill its objectives, the President and/or the members of the Executive Council shall have the right to add or delete names proposed for election. The nomination/ballot papers shall be opened in the presence of the President or Vice-President or members of the Executive Council nominated by the President. 

Fellowship of the Association

The nomination for the award of Fellowship shall be send by the existing life members of the IAAT to the Secretary with bio-data of the nominee. The Executive Council shall scrutinize the nomination received and recommend the eligible nomination for the approval by the General Body for the award.

Last date for receipt of such nomination will be 31st August every year and the fee for FIAAT Certificate shall be Rs. 3,000/-

Resignation of Membership

Any member can resign from the membership of the Association, by giving a written request to the President.

Termination of Membership

The Executive Council may terminate the membership of any member who acts against the constitution of the Association.

Amendments to the Bye-laws

The Association formed under Bye-Law shall be irrevocable. Notice for amendments should be submitted to the Secretary at least one month before the Annual Executive Council Meeting preceding the Annual General body Meeting. Only Life members shall be eligible to propose amendments. Such proposals shall be placed before the EC and along with the recommendations of the EC be placed before the Annual General Body meeting for approval. The amendments shall be made effective only if at least 4/5th of the members present and vote in favor of the amendments at the G.B. meeting. Any amendments of the Bye-Law of the Association shall be made / carried out only with the prior approval of the Commission of Income Tax. 

Journal and other publications

The Association will publish a research journal-Rheedea containing research papers, reviews and other articles of general interest pertaining to any aspect of Angiosperm taxonomy. Excepting invited articles, contributions to the journal shall be restricted to members of the Association only. Members (except the Student Members) Institutions/Organizations can subscribe to the journal with a payment of Rs. 3000/- in India or US $ 500/- or equivalent in other countries per year. Life Subscription (for 15 years) can be made by payment of Rs. 25,000/- and US $ 500/- by Indian and Foreign Institutions respectively.

The Association may also take up the publication of proceedings, transactions and such other works, for the fulfillment of the objectives of the Association. All Publications of the Association mentioned in Rule 24 above, shall be made available to the members at 2/3rd of its usual price. There shall be an Editorial Board for the Journal of the Association. The Editorial Board is responsible to maintain the standard of the journal and its publication in time. The Executive Council shall appoint separate Editors for other publications, as and when necessary.


Regular Accounts shall be maintained by the Association and the same shall be audited by qualified Auditor duly appointed annually by the Executive Council. The funds of the Association shall be invested strictly in accordance with the provisions of S. 11 (5) r.w.S. 13 (1) d of the I.T. Act, 1961. The Income of the Association shall be solely utilized towards the objects and that the fund assets shall not be utilized for the payment of the author/ trustees / members by the way of Profit/ Interest / Dividend etc.


Jurisdiction of all legal disputes shall be at Calicut.


In the event of dissolution or winding up of the Association, the assets remaining as on the date of dissolution shall under no circumstances be distributed among the members of the Association but shall be transferred to another association, society or institution whose objectives are similar to those of this Association, to be determined by the votes of not less than 3/5th of the members present in person and entitled to vote at the meeting convened for the purpose.